These wristbands are designed to be worn by people with DMD who take corticosteroids (or steroids). They alert first responders and medical professionals that the wearer is steroid dependent and may need to be given steroids if they are unwell or injured. Find out more about why this is important in our adrenal insufficiency leaflet.
DuchenneUK's In Case of Emergency app is designed to help you explain what treatment is needed when you are in an emergency. The app allows you to maintain a profile of medical needs, emergency contacts, and guidance for healthcare providers.
Downloading the App
To install this App for the first time, it is very important that you do this via the web on a laptop or desktop – not via your phone. Once installed, the app should work smoothly on your Android or iPhone. Do let us know of any problems so we can ask the developers to fix them as soon as possible.